digital marbling chevron


Like Bouquet and Peacock, the pattern name Chevron seems to generally be used interchangeably with another name – in this case, Gelgit. Both names are applied – apparently indiscriminately – to two different, but very similar patterns. This is another unfortunate source of confusion.

digital marbling gelgit


digital marbling chevron


The only clue I can find to distinguishing between Gelgit and Chevron is that there is a slight tendency towards calling the straight-sided pattern on the right Chevron, and the more elegant, curved-edged patter on the left Gelgit. This seems reasonable to me, since the straight-sided pattern resembles a traditional chevron, so I have adopted this naming convention. 

The Chevron is not often used on its own, but it is an important intermediate step when making very many of the more complicated patterns. The Nonpareil, for example, is typically a single, straight stroke with a fine comb over a Chevron base pattern. 

A Chevron with very short strokes: 

digital marbling chevron

An elongated Chevron created with wavy strokes:

digital marbling waved chevron

This two-second video shows how a typical Nonpareil pattern is created with a fine comb over a Chevron.