digital marbling curl


The Curl, or French Curl, is one of the elements of traditional marbling; you can find it in endpapers going back several centuries.

In real life, the Curl is a spiral stroke. Unfortunately. I don’t know the maths to simulate that, so I have to use a simpler alternative, which only approximates the effect.

digital marbling curl

For this huge vortex I used the colour palette of the coat of arms of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

digital marbling curl
digital marbling curl
digital marbling curl
digital marbling curl
digital marbling curl
digital marbling curl


  1. Rob Aaldijk

    I recall that my mother, an amateur artist, created ‘random’ marblings whch rendered kind of a ‘multi-color Rorschach’ (non-mirrored though) result you could apply your fantsay on to recognize fantastic beasts etc. Would it be possible to recreate these digitially based on some random seed and color range?

    • graham

      I would have to see the pattern in order to be able to say whether I could reproduce it or not.

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